The trip was all I hoped it would be. Every member of our group reaffirmed their relationship with God - some of us met Him more up close and personal than ever before. We learnt through worship, got to know amazing people, visited incredible places and were truly humbled by the stories and situations to which we were introduced.
I love Rwanda, and am honoured that I got to share this experience with some great people - I really hope that we can all bring back into our every day lives the teachings and experiences from the trip. It would be very easy to sink back into mundane normality, same old problems, same old grumblings, same old priorities - but this would be very disrespectful to the people we met, and to God; not to learn from what we were shown.
The trip was a massive, life-changing opportunity, and I for one, will be grabbing it with both hands and shouting a heartfelt 'Thank You'! This is it - the first day of the rest of our lives with God- let's make it count!
and her photo:

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