The trip was a phenomenal success! We saw, touched and felt Africa in a country which has not only seen such sadness and pain, but one of great joy, happiness and humility!
I was astounded by how different the country looked compared to how I saw it in my research of the Genocide. I am thrilled that Rwanda is doing so well after it's tragic past... it seemed like an entirely different country sometimes and I am honoured to consider myself one of the many people to have visited there!
I would love to go back to Rwanda! I enjoyed meeting the people, trying the local cuisine and seeing the sites. It really hit me hard sometimes but I kept going and I am glad to have done it! It was AWESOME!
My highlight was definately working in Hope Village! I loved working with all the Orphans, they were so genuine and kind despite their awful pasts. If I could, I would go back for another 2 weeks tomorrow!
and his photo:

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