You may think I am labouring a point this week. But then, I believe it is an ongoing, life changing, God honouring... point. This week's reading is:
Isaiah 11:1-9
As I was saying last week, Advent is the time when, we not only remember the coming of Jesus at Christmas, but also look forward to his return.
This passage is about Jesus. Its about when he came 2000 years ago, its about when he will return.
In becoming a man, God has entered all our lives, brought in his kingdom. Not perhaps in the way people thought he would - many were expecting the overthrow of earthly enemies, of the removal of oppression and injustice.
And they were. And they are. Funny thing, the Kingdom of God.
Jesus brought it in, but somehow its also still coming in... and won't get finished until Jesus returns. And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, that's where we come in.
Our redeemed lives are not our own, we were bought at a price (1 Corinthians 6:20), and our new, whole lives are meant for Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:16-18)
How is this worked out? Those of you who come on a Monday night will have been listening to the Advent MP3's and videos from Proost connected to these subjects. This week's one had something very important to say:
"pray for the courage to lie down with lions
pray for the wisdom to know when we are wolves"
Seeing the sort of justice Isaiah spoke of doesn't always mean becoming a UN peacekeeper. Mostly it means becoming an everyday peacekeeper, by forgiving those who hurt us and saying sorry and starting anew with those we have hurt.
And remember, we don't do this alone, God who is with us, Jesus our saviour, gives us light and life through his Spirit for tasks such as this.
Our Father who is in heaven
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth
As it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread
and forgive our wrong doing
as we forgive those who have done wrong against us
For yours is the kingdom
The glory
The power
and forever
Who do you need to forgive? Keep on forgiving? Who do you need to make amends to? Keep on loving?
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