We are starting a bit early, as their are nine traditional readings for Advent and only eight weeks. That means you get two this week, although if you went to the half day retreat and pizza tonight, you will have already seen the material in this post.
Advent, like lent has strong themes of preparation, of waiting, of the coming dawn. And the story started a long time ago. Why did God decide to be born a man? Why was the rescue plan needed? It all started way back in the beginning:
Genesis 3:8-19
We all have our failings. We all have our dark times. But God has journeyed with us through it all. When Adam and Eve left the garden, God clothed them and followed them. He never left them alone, and has been with us ever since.
Of course it is in the coming of Jesus we see the greatest expression of God with us. As we wait for his coming this Christmas, lets not forget why he came.
We are not lost, or left in the dark, His salvation has dawned upon us. Today we have a heart bead each to remind us of this - why not do the same? Make one or buy one...
Extra study:
How are we to deal with the world we live in? Does anything we do really make a difference? Take a look at the example of Pilate's wife:
Cloud of Witnesses - Pilate's wife
Today we each took home with us a nut - the nut and bolt variety... why? Because it may look insignificant, but acutally its very useful - as we are useful in Gods eyes and plan.
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