Going to Africa was something completely different to anything I had ever done before. Immediately I stepped off the plane I could feel that everything was different, but in a way that made me instantly love Rwanda.
Perhaps, what I saw as, the beauty of the city of night captured my heart, whatever it was didn't let go for the two weeks, and still hasn't.
When asked how the trip was I often say "amazing but really challenging". There were moment's where I felt down, but these shaped my experience just as the high points did.
After all, it wasn't a holiday.
The best moment was when we were first accepted, truly, into Hope village. You just knew they were being sincere when they thanked us, and sincere when they told us we were brothers and sisters to them.
It touched me that they accepted us so quickly into their lives. Our last day there also stands out in my mind, for the villagers once again thanked us. It was only on the last day I truly understood what our trip there meant to them, and how it was we had helped them. My favourite photo from the trip is this one, I think it sums up a lot about why we were there:
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