Reading: Luke 14: 25-33
Question: What is Jesus saying in this passage and what is he not saying?
Reading Proverbs 3:1-2
Question: What are some of the ways this passage tells us we can commit to God?
Reading: Hebrews 12:3-11
Questions: In what ways does God discipline us? How can this make us better Christians?
Think: Committing to Jesus is costly. It requires our all. It means that in comparison everything else in our life is of little value. It means choosing a way of life that suits Jesus, even if it means giving up things we done want to give up.
That doesn't mean you have to hate your family, it means that we live our lives in the context of loving God.
Question: What is it about Jesus that makes following Him worth the cost?
Further reading, see what Paul has to say on the matter in Philippians 3

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